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React Native ScrollView Inside Touchable and How to Make it Work on Android

Having a ScrollView inside any kind of touchable causes a very common problem in the Android platform. The problem is that you can not scroll the ScrollView because the touchable steals user's touch, but...
React Native

7 React Native Swipe Components

Swiping is a very common gesture in mobile apps, that is accepted and loved by most of the mobile users. There are many apps like Instagram and Tinder which used this effect very successfully....

What is Git Commits Squashing and How We Do it

What is Git Squashing? Git Squashing is a technique which is being used to consolidate few commits to one commit. Why? Let's imagine you are working on a feature; for example, creating shopping cart for an eCommerce...

How to Change Git Editor to Notepad++ in Windows

When you want to make a long commit message in Git and you don't use -m flag it opens Vim editor for you to write your commit, the same happens when you want to...
Setup Swagger asp.net core

Setup Swagger in ASP.NET core 2.0 API

What is Swagger? Swagger is an open-source framework which can automatically generate an interactive document for your API in a human and machine-readable way. BenefitsSave time in creating a spec for your API The API...

How to Configure ESLint in VS Code

ESLint is a popular and flexible Javascript linter which will help your team to generate consistent and high-quality code. In this post I will show you how to install and config ESLint for your...

Why I Chose React over Others

There are more than a dozen different tempting front-end frameworks out there, like React, Angular, Vue, Ember, and others. As a human being, we have limited time and we tend to choose the best(obviously,...

Many-To-Many Relation in Entity Framework Core (1.0.1)

In Entity Framework Core 1.0.1 Many-To-Many without creating relational entity is not supported and the easiest way to implement is creating the relational entity.I will show that in a small example: public class Course { ...

Converting string to Nullable int

There are some scenarios when you extract a number from a text (it can be a text file or web page or etc...) and you need to convert it to a specific nullable type.In this...

LINQ Aggregate Function

Aggregate is one of the extension methods which lives in System.Linq namespace, and applies to any object that implemented IEnumerable interface.Aggregate is one of seven aggregation family functions which are:Min Max Count LongCount Sum Average ...

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